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Eaves Replacement

Eaves sheeting is usually damaged by water ingress or other external factors. Eaves replacement is something we do a lot of due to the high demand for this service in Perth WA.  We can remove your existing eaves sheeting and install new fibre cement eaves sheeting including painting on smaller jobs if you require. We can also install new timber eaves trimmers where necessary to ensure your new eaves stay nice and flat and looking new for many years to come. Our premium work quality and attention to detail displayed on our photos below really does do all the talking.

Roof and Repairs Perth are your eaves replacement specialists at your service. TEXT or Call today for a free no obligation quote.


*Important, please note: When taking photos of your damaged eaves so we may provide you with a free preliminary quote please stand way back so I can see the ground and eaves in the same photo.


*Whilst damaged eaves may look like minor easy, quick work IT IS NOT. Read on to understand why.

When a new house is being built, the eaves are sheeted from a starting point and slotted into each other using a tiny joiner strip as the fascias are being installed., there are also no obstructions like aircon units, garden beds etc. The downpipes are installed through the eaves sheeting with the gutters after the eaves have been fully built along with any other piping.  This makes eaves replacement on existing homes extremely difficult, filthy and time consuming. Old eaves are filled with dust, building debris, spiders, pest droppings, leaves and all sorts of nasties. Please remember this when budgeting  to have your eaves replaced and know this is all factored into your pricing.​​


*We do not remove asbestos OR organise asbestos removal. If your existing eaves are asbestos we can quote to install new fibre cement eaves sheeting once all the asbestos has been removed by licensed professionals. 


*We usually do standard height single story eaves sheeting replacement. Sloping eaves and very high eaves are usually too hard to access.












*Any electrical items such as lights in your eaves sheeting must be disconnected safely by a licensed electrician as depicted in the photo above prior to us undertaking our work.


Eaves replacement in Darlington along with, new guttering, downpipes and  barge boards & scribe fillet replacement.

Eaves replacement Perth
Eaves replacement

Tricky eaves replacement over a large window and under a front down pipe.

Eaves replacement

Eaves repair on a corner with an existing down pipe present is a real challenge.

Eaves replacement Perth

Eaves and Porch sheeting replacement in Willagee. A beautiful LOSP primed treated pine scotia border was installed around the porch support post finishing off this job. 

Porch replacement
Porch hardiflex replacement
Porch replacement Perth
Eaves replacement above airconditioning unit
Eaves replacement around pipes

This eaves sheeting installation in Kingsley was brutally difficult to say the least, as there was an existing timber patio fixed to the fascias and below the eaves there were windows and sliding doors to contend with. The customers were ecstatic with the quality of this eaves repair.

Eaves replacement under patio
Eaves replacement under patio Perth

Full house eaves replacement Willetton. This was a big one, our client had contracted us to replace all of the existing fibre cement eaves sheeting  to the entire house eaves, carport and porch ceiling areas. The existing sheeting was literally falling down from previous water ingress and incorrect installation. We also had to remove a very dodgy old timber pergola covered in shade cloth which was an eye sore and could have fallen down at any moment. Before the eaves we replaced the old gable lining and feature timbers with new Weathertex primed Weatherboards, new barge boards and scribe fillets ready for painting. Visit our Weatherboards page to view this. View our before and after photos for this eaves replacement below. 

Eaves replacement
Eaves replacement
Eaves replacement
Carport ceiling replacement
Carport ceiling replacement
Carport ceiling replacement
Eaves replacement
Eaves replacement Perth
Eaves replacement Perth
Eaves replacement Perth
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